Earth Appreciation Mandala Project

Words hold incredible power. By writing POSITIVE words of appreciation in a MANDALA, we infuse the earth with healing energy.

Sunday, September 11, 2016



1-30 June 2016

Queenscliff Neighbourhood House Gallery

A free Mandala Peace Arts Exhibition was held over the month of June at Queenscliff Neighbourhood House Gallery with an official Exhibition Opening evening. Three workshops were also held during that time: see some photos below or FB.

This was a major exhibition with 37 large individual entries.  Some mandalas were created using various techniques and mediums, eg textile, doodle and digital format; illustrating creative expansion. There were also many smaller mandalas grouped and hung together and mandala albums incorporating mandalas of Shishin (New Year Guidance). 

The main gallery room plus the corridor of the Neighbourhood House was adorned with bright, colourful mandalas exuding loving, beautiful, peaceful energy.  The space was also adorned with painted stones of bright words, decorated bright boxes, hand sewn banners, mandala kits for sale and a communal mandala for the public to write on; a delight of colour and beauty.

The mandalas showcased the themes of peace and love; opening people’s eyes and minds to expansive thinking, compassion, generosity of spirit, wonder and self-reflection.  It didn’t seem to matter how much written information about mandalas was available to read, people still didn’t realize they were formed by the written word until it was specifically pointed out to them.  And then they had to see it through a magnifying glass!  Initially, the common response was of disbelief, leading to amazement and then leaving them gob-smacked!  (I must admit, I did get pleasure from seeing their responses.)

Many left positive and glowing feedback in the Visitors Book.  A few examples;  “truly inspiring”, “so impressed with the craftsmanship”,  “absolutely beautiful, so much peace”, “a glorious exhibition of love & tranquility”,  “a gentle & positive art, it feels like ‘strengthening’ art”, “must be relaxing in this speedy world”.

The Neighbourhood House is normally open during the week and closed on weekends.  The local Byakko members generously gave of their time to open up each weekend for the whole month.  This proved a wise decision as we had many visitors coming through, over 160.  The QNH is situated at the end of parkland and on the foreshore of the beach, so many walkers and day trippers would “happen” to walk past, see the signs and come in out of curiosity.  Only a few came in response to advertising and some from recommendations. Of course many more would have seen the exhibition during the week days when they came to the QNH for their regular courses, meetings and classes.

The workshops were very successful. Two adult workshops were offered and as the school holidays began in this month, a children’s one was also offered. The children’s one was split into two groups, one of young children and one of teens.

People are genuinely interested in the concept of positive thoughts and words and how they affect the elements, the body and those around them. I thank Dr Emoto and his research on water every time I run a workshop as the photos illustrate succinctly this principle and as they say “a picture speaks a thousand words”.  This knowledge excites people and opens up their way of thinking.  They leave with much to ponder. 

Overall the exhibition and workshops were a great success and a very satisfying venture. A lot of time, work and effort were given by many, for which I send my appreciation. Most of our costs (except for the printing) were recouped by the sale of mandala kits and workshop charges.

The success is gauged not so much in numbers (although we had good numbers) but by the responses of those who visited.  It was a joy to showcase this art form and concept, opening up another dimension for people to touch and connect with humanity.
Report by Silvana Benacchio

Sunday, July 12, 2015

THE FUJI DECLARATION: Wisdom for all life on earth

A mandala created to express the main points of the Fuji 

A speech delivered on May 15 by Masami Saionji, at a forum held in Tokyo to discuss the Fuji Declaration. (More about the Fuji Declaration can be seen at
Leaping into our Sacred Consciousness
Welcome! It is a great honour for me to welcome so many eminent leaders on this very special day!
Today, the earth’s people are about to take a great leap forward in their own, individual evolution and self-creation. This surge has already begun, and the time has arrived when each of us will join in the current of this large-scale, evolutionary trend.
I say this because, along with the dimensional rise of Earth, more and more of us are becoming “spiritually-minded.” That is to say, we are giving more attention to our inner being, and less to external factors such as material wealth, prestige, and background. One by one, each of us is starting to recall our deep, original sacred nature.
If humanity is to take this great leap, people working in all different fields—politics, economics, education, science, the arts—must gain a sense of our shared, sacred nature and open their eyes to a more expansive way of living, filled with respect for great nature and all living things. When large numbers of people can do this, the world will vastly change. This will happen not gradually, but all at once.
To spark this rapid transformation, the Fuji Declaration has appeared on the scene, gathering the attention of outstanding leaders in all walks of life, transcending differences in nationality, ideology, culture and religion. Thanks to the influence of visionary leaders like yourselves, more and more individuals are concurring with the Fuji Declaration and expressing it in their daily life.
I cannot over-emphasize the importance of each individual in bringing about the positive transformation of humanity. When the consciousness of even one person becomes weak, it has a harmful influence on everyone and everything. It creates an atmosphere where conflicts, famine, and environmental abuse can easily take place. On the other hand, when even one person firmly connects with their splendid, sacred nature, a great harmonizing power spreads through the earth, resolving disharmony or reducing it to a smaller scale.
Each human being is part of this earthly world, and at the same time, part of the cosmos. We are earthly beings and cosmic beings, both at the same time. All of us share equally in the air, the water, and the land, and we all share in the same brilliant, universal light.
The infinitely profound mind of the universe is constantly sending out cosmic essences—sources of life and energy that fill universal space. They are like tiny droplets filled with infinite potential: love, harmony, wisdom, and the power of accomplishment. Each of us can fully receive these wondrous, cosmic essences when we attune ourselves to them.
To do so, each of us must know that we are a noble and precious existence—a sacred, dignified life. We must know that we are forever connected to one another. Just as the cells and organs work together to maintain the health of the body, all of us are exchanging life and energy to enliven humanity and Earth.
Each of us is, in some way, unique and special. There are no two people who can accomplish exactly the same work. Each of us is indispensable for the evolution of humanity and Earth.
The Fuji Declaration has emerged at the perfect time. It creates the opportunity needed for all the world's people to merge together and co-create an entirely new and peaceful world. It makes it possible for all individuals to re-enliven their essential, sacred nature and live in harmony with the universal divine will.
Empowered by the Fuji Declaration, we human beings can now join together to surmount the tremendous barriers and chaotic conditions that bode crisis and destruction on Earth. Together, we will consider solutions for large-scale issues such as environmental destruction and abnormal weather conditions, as well as social and medical issues that menace humans and great nature.
At this critical time, it is vital for peace-minded people who are already living with their sacred consciousness to take the first step, hastening the spiritual rebirth of humanity. If we keep thinking about and envisioning the evolution of everything on Earth, and keep sending out currents of pure, expansive love, we will light the way for humanity to build a lifestyle filled with unconditionally bright thinking—thinking that embraces everyone’s hopes and dreams for the future. When they see peace-minded people leading joyful, vibrant lives, more and more individuals will feel inspired to do the same.
By knowing about our essential, sacred nature and uniquely important work, more and more of us will be able to dispel the self-rejecting, self-defeating thoughts that we have been mired in. We will inquire into our inner wisdom and intuition, and realize that with the limitless resources we hold, we can resolve whatever confronts us.
As people continue to experience this, one by one, they will learn to naturally trust themselves without being held back by past mistakes and failures. Once we have lifted ourselves to this state, we will be able to live each day with joyful feelings, having nothing to fear and sensing only dignity within.
In all the domains that people belong to—whether countries, political parties, societies, organizations, or religions—we will go on to re-fashion our countries, cities, and towns in ways that invite not a speck of discrimination, fighting, or struggle, giving birth to a harmonized, well-ordered world based only on sacred truth.
How happy we are to be living at this decisive moment in the evolution of humanity and Earth. How grateful I am to have come together with beautiful peace colleagues like you.
Thank you very much, and May Peace Prevail on Earth
Masami Saionji
May 15, 2015

A mandala created to express the main points of the 
Fuji Declaration

Sunday, July 28, 2013


A Mandala is an ancient art form. It is a sacred circle that has been used in spiritual/religious traditions around the world for millennia, and is a symbol of completeness. Mandalas can be created in many different ways and the technique we are offering is through writing positive words.

Words hold incredible power and by writing POSITIVE words filled with gratitude and love in a MANDALA, we can encourage the development of an accurate self-image, sensitivity to others, a deep sense of mystery, connectedness, emotional balance, inner peace and freedom and a deep compassion for humanity.
The completed MANDALA then continuously radiates this wonderful energy to us and nature.

We uplift those around us because we are making the changes within ourselves first and then imprinting the energy into our words.
Would you do this please? Consider it a gift to all that exists. It's a tangible way in which YOU can do something powerful from where you are.

Go to this website and click on 'enter', then 'Mandala workbook'.
It will take you to mandala sheets that can be downloaded if you don't have any already. Writing instructions are included.

I look forward to hearing from some of you, and even more excitedly, seeing some photos of completed mandalas!!! Send to

I will place them on my Mandala Peace Arts Facebook page, thus acknowledging your beautiful contribution to world peace.

Of course, MANDALAS can be written for any occasion, spreading positive energy with love.

Please feel free to network this EARTH APPRECIATION MANDALA Project to all of your friends.

Infinite love, joy and appreciation,
Jenny (*0*)

May peace prevail on earth

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Praising the Planet Earth



Praising the Planet Earth
The blue planet earth is alive.
The mystic earth is awakening.
And the mountains and the streams
and the seas are
full of life and dance with pounding
Within them the Mind of God is alive.
Stones and rocks and minerals are,
although we can not see it with our eyes,
deeply breathing in all serenity.
In those stones, on those rocks,
in those minerals
We can observe the radiation God emits.

Animals, plants, insects and fish as well
All are active and full of joy.

Clear and pure is the sky
and the sun is shining.
And the land is at peace.
Our body too and our cells too are shining.

All living beings and all things
are living together in harmony.
They are radiating life
Masami Saionji

Prayer for Harmony between Humanity and Nature
We offer our prayer for humanity
to live in harmony with nature.
We offer our gratitude to the world of nature
for it's blessing,
and we honour the existence of all life
and the beautiful planet earth.
We pray with united hearts
that people around the planet may remember
that all life is sacred and interconnected.
Thus creating a world where all people
live in harmony with nature.

'May Peace Prevail On Earth' Mandala

May Peace Prevail On Earth

'May Peace Prevail On Earth' is the universal peace message that expresses the common aspiration of all humankind. Masahisa Goi, the inspiration behind this message over 50 years ago, envisioned that their gentle yet powerful effect would help activate global peace consciousness.
He explained that words and thoughts are alive with energy. Thus, our prayers have the power to shape our world, bringing peace and harmony to our personal lives and to our beautiful planet.
Here is one person's manifestation of this power in a beautiful mandala.
This 42 cm 'picture' is made up of 105 2mm lines, filled ONLY with positive words!
You too can create such peace art works.

Infinite Gratitude to Nature

Earth Appreciation Mandala Project
Here is a photo of the postcard promoting this project. The idea is to encourage anyone who is interested, to write a mandala, experiencing the power of sitting in a quiet space, totally immersed in giving by firstly thinking positive thoughts and then transposing them into the energy of words, designed to assist in healing our earth. How great is that!!!

YOU too can join this ever growing trend of gratitude and appreciation for all that exists in our lives.
Go to the website to get a MANDALA template and become another beautiful soul, helping to transform our Earth and all who dwell upon it.

Infinite Gratitude to Nature written upon hearing of the condition of the coral reefs in the Andaman Islands. The more we put out inspiring, positive words of gratitude and appreciation, the more the energy for these encircle the globe. Be part of the solution.

A Mandala written for the natural disaster in Christchurch, New Zealand.
May peace prevail on earth
May peace be in Christchurch


Earth Appreciation

Infinite bright thoughts of gratitude to all elements of nature during our most inclement weather in Australia during late 2010 and the early part of 2011.